What is Fermented Food? How to Obtain and What are the Benefits?

Fermented food is among the integral parts of our daily life. In addition, the origin of foods that have undergone the fermentation process goes back to very ancient times. In this sense, it can easily be said that they are an inseparable part of humanity.

Fermented food, in the most general sense, is food that has undergone a chemical metamorphosis. It is the name given to the transformation of a food item that has gone through a certain process by beneficial living things. These beneficial creatures include various human-friendly bacteria, microorganisms and fungi.

Why Is Fermented Food Needed?


In the earliest times of humanity, there was not as much food variety as there is today. For this reason, human societies that were hunting and gathering felt the need to store the products they gathered. As a result of this need, the doors of various foods to have a long life were opened. It is in this sense that it is possible to seek the primordial origin of fermentation here.

It can be said that meat, which is especially a protein store, is useful for storing during long periods of famine and starvation. Today, we see that fermented foods are used for various reasons. This process, which is called ‘fermentation’ among the people, is one of the sources of consuming healthy and delicious food. This process, which is applied in almost every culture, also includes numerous foodstuffs.

What are the Necessary Conditions for Fermentation?


This process, in which foods undergo chemical revision, also has some requirements.

To list these requirements:

Oxygen Free Zone

The most important element to obtain fermented food is the presence of an oxygen-free area. In an environment where there is no oxygen, it will not be possible for harmful bacteria to grow. For this reason, it is necessary to make sure that the vehicle used for fermentation does not get any air.

Zero Contact

In the area where the fermentation process is carried out, there should be no food other than the food needed. Thus, the chemical and biological transfer of foods to each other is prevented.

Salt or Salt Water

The most important constituents of metamorphosed foods are salt and brine. By means of salt, the metamorphosis process of the substance is accelerated and its lifespan is extended.

Cool Environment

As it is known, the areas where the sun and light come into direct contact are the areas where life continues. These areas host beneficial creatures as well as harmful ones. For this reason, fermented food should be in a cool environment, at a room temperature of about 20 degrees. Thus, the process will be accelerated and the ideal result will be obtained.

Patient Waiting

Perhaps the most important condition for obtaining these foods is a patient wait. Substances fermented in different ways should not be consumed before the required time. This is very important for the complete completion of the fermentation process. In order to reach the most ideal taste, the process should be waited patiently for the completion of the process.

What Benefits Do Fermented Foods Have?


1) Rich and strong intestinal flora

2) Regular digestive system

3) Healthy nutritional supplement

4) High source of B12 and Vitamin D

5) Natural protection against diseases

6) Obtaining long-lasting foodstuff

7) Cultural continuity

8) Probiotic consumption

9) Staying fit when consumed with sports and diet

10) Resistance to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases

Most Known Fermented Foods List


  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Green and purple cabbage, cucumber, garlic, beet and carrot pickles
  • Turnip juice
  • Boza
  • Tarhana soup
  • Vinegar
  • Sausage
  • Bacon
  • Kombucha
  • tempeh
  • miso
  • kimchi
  • Yeast Bread
  • Kumiss

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Kategoriler: Health, Life

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