How Does Constant Exposure to Bad News Affect Our Lives?

Emre Ülkem

Emre Ülkem

Boğaziçi Uni.

With the internet and mobile devices entering our lives, we have the opportunity to follow what is happening all over the world every second with a few simple finger movements. However, 20-30 years ago, it was a very laborious and difficult task to learn what was going on in the world, even in our country.
It is a fact that with every step we take on the Internet, we are inevitably exposed to many bad and negative events and news, as well as good and good developments. So how does this bad news affect us? According to some psychologists, exposure to negative and violent news can have serious and long-lasting psychological effects beyond simple feelings of pessimism and exclusion.
British psychologist, who specializes in the psychological effects of media violence, Dr. According to Graham Davey’s studies, violent news can cause or exacerbate stress, anxiety, and depression.
Davey told the Huffington Post:

“Negative news can significantly affect the mood of individuals. This effect can be even more devastating, especially if there is a tendency in news broadcasts to highlight pain and the emotional components of the story.”

“Exposure to negative news can make people see their personal concerns as bigger and more threatening than they really are, and when people start worrying about them, it can be harder to control their worries than they normally would.”

Other studies have suggested that exposure to traumatic images in the media can cause symptoms such as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). A 2001 study found that watching 9/11 on television was enough to trigger symptoms of PTSD (such as fear of future terrorist attacks and reduced viewer confidence). However, according to the study, the severity of symptoms was directly related to the amount of time spent watching television.
In a 2014 study of journalists who wrote violent news, it was observed that journalists who were regularly exposed to violent video footage scored higher on PTSD indexes and were also more prone to alcohol consumption, depression, and somatization disorders.
According to research, although the situation may not seem encouraging, the world is not going in a completely negative direction as it is written in the headlines. On the contrary, since the past, the average quality of life has increased and violent incidents have decreased considerably.
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