Best Cem Yılmaz Movies: The Most Watched Movies of the Famous Actor

Cem Yilmaz movies is among the films that have reached the highest number of views in Turkey, with both its lines that are on everyone’s lips and its successful scenarios.
cem yilmaz movies
Of course, the success of the master comedian is undeniable in this success. Well of course it’s not easy. After all, we are talking about being the most laughing man in a country. And yet, we wanted to bring together all the films of Cem Yılmaz for you. We recommend that you take a look at this content, which we have listed below in chronological order, the entire filmography of the famous comedian, both written, directed and starring. Trust us, you won’t regret it. So fasten your seat belts! The most watched Cem Yılmaz movies and the best Cem Yılmaz movies are on this list!

Best Cem Yilmaz Movies 2021

1) Her Şey Çok Güzel Olacak – Everything Will Be Fine (1998)

Screenplay: Cem Yılmaz and Ömer Vargı
Director: Omer Vargi
IMDb: 8.1
Nuri and Altan are two brothers with very opposite characters. These two brothers, who have not seen each other for years, come together one day when they run into his brother Altan during a fight involving Nuri, and everything is shaped as a result of this encounter. The funny and sometimes dangerous troubles that the two brothers go through will eventually cause them to find themselves in the South. The film, which also includes Mazhar Alanson and Ceyda Düvenci, as well as Cem Yılmaz, is among the most talked-about productions of a period.

2) Vizontele (2001)

Screenplay: Yilmaz Erdogan
Director: Yılmaz Erdoğan and Ömer Faruk Sorak
IMDb: 8.0
The story takes place in a small town when television was just beginning to be heard in Anatolia. The person nicknamed Deli Emin is the man the townspeople love very much. Known for his quickness and helpfulness, Emin’s most significant interest is the invention of television. It is also closely related to electronics. The villagers, and of course Emin, are very excited when they hear that there is a television coming to town. So much so that the townspeople, who have great expectations about television, will meet various innovations with the advent of television. Yilmaz Erdogan wrote a memorable role for Cem Yilmaz in the movie, which broke records at the box office.

3) G.O.R.A (2004)

Screenplay: Cem Yilmaz
Director: Ömer Faruk Sorak
IMDb: 8.0
Arif is a character known for his cunning and three-player personality. Known as a carpet seller, Arif will step into a very different adventure with the customers who come to his shop one day. These customers are actually aliens and kidnap Arif and take him to their home planet GORA. Arif will, of course, look for ways to escape from here and return to Earth. But meanwhile, an unexpected love awaits him on the planet GORA. With its lines and unforgettable funny scenes, GORA is still among the most hilarious Cem Yılmaz films of our time.

4) Organize İşler – Organized Jobs (2005)

Screenplay: Yilmaz Erdogan
Director: Yilmaz Erdogan
IMDb: 7.4
Are you the scavenger or the scavenged? A man dressed as Superman, trying to make a living in a city full of organized crime like Istanbul, suddenly finds himself in a criminal network. At this very moment, he will lose his heart. Will she stop committing crimes for her love, or does she need to find a balance? How can that balance be achieved in Istanbul, the city of crime? He did not forget to include Cem Yılmaz in the first series of the production, which was written and directed by Yılmaz Erdoğan and on which many films were shot. Contrary to his style, Cem Yılmaz, who appears in the film as a serious man who does not make you laugh, deserves to be watched with the character of Müslüm Duralmaz.

5) Hokkabaz – Juggler (2006)

Screenplay: Cem Yilmaz
Director: Cem Yılmaz and Ali Taner Baltacı
IMDb: 7.4
Alexander is a man who has been interested in magic from a very young age and is trying to prove his claim on this subject. However, unfortunately, he cannot show success and becomes a laughing stock by everyone around him. That’s why he is called a juggler, not a magician . His father, Sait, does not believe in Iskender, who does not support him except his close friend Maradona. Sait, who is not proud of İskender and wants him to quit this job, has to go on a tour with his son one day. Here, too, they do not end up beating Sait’s son. But at the same time, this tour will bring father and son closer. Alexander is very close to proving his claim and achieving success. This production, written by Cem Yılmaz, which makes you laugh and sometimes sad, was also viral at the time it was released. Let’s also mention that Hokkabaz is the second film in which Cem Yılmaz appeared in front of the camera with Mazhar Alanson.

6) A.R.O.G (2008)

Screenplay: Cem Yilmaz
Director: Cem Yılmaz and Ali Taner Baltacı
IMDb: 7.4
In AROG, the sequel to the GORA movie, this time the story takes place on Earth. Commander Logar, who has a grudge against Arif, sends him to 1 million years ago, to the stone age, with the help of his time machine. While Arif is trying to deal with the dinosaurs here, he is also aware that he needs a time machine to get back. However, since the time machine could not be invented during the Stone Age, it will try to speed up the evolutionary processes by trying to educate humanity. This movie, which continues the story, is among the funniest productions of the period. It is one of the first productions that come to mind when you think of Cem Yılmaz films.

7) Yahşi Batı (2009)

Screenplay: Cem Yilmaz
Director: Ömer Faruk Sorak
IMDb: 7.4
The event takes place in the 19th century. Aziz Bey and Lemi Bey, who were in charge of the Ottoman Empire of the period, are sent to America by the sultan for a special mission. They lose the precious diamond they carry with them, which is part of the mission, to the bandits who cut their way. The duo, whose money was stolen along with the diamond, remained in the middle, so to speak. The duo, who are after the diamond to fulfill the task, will first go to the town and find a job for themselves. Various adventures await Aziz Bey and Lemi Bey, who are on their way to becoming bounty hunters, the popular business of the period.

8) Av Mevsimi – Hunting Season (2010)

Screenplay: Yavuz Turgul
Director: Yavuz Turgul
IMDb: 7.4
Experienced policeman Ferman, Idris nicknamed Deli, and freshly graduated freshman Hasan come together over a murder assigned to them one day. Pursuing to solve the death secret of a murdered girl, this trio will come together with many names such as drug dealers and Turkey’s richest man. The murder they are trying to solve is hazardous. And the life of these three will never be the same again. Cem Yılmaz, with his role as Deli İdris in the movie, gives a performance that does justice to the production.

9) Şahane Misafir – The Wonderful Guest (2012)

Screenplay: Ferzan Özpetek and Federica Pontremoli
Director: Ferzan Ozpetek
IMDb: 6.6
Pietro’s biggest dream is to become an actor one day. Trying every way in pursuit of his dream, Pietro first comes to Rome and starts working at the bakery. Meanwhile, he strives to become an actor. Pietro, who stayed with his cousin named Maria in Rome, later settled in another house. The events start right after the move. After a while, Pietro witnesses that some of the items in the house have changed, and he hears strange sounds over time. He will understand that he is not alone in the house and there are 7 and a half imaginary characters living with him. In Ferzan Özpetek’s production, which was released in 2012, Cem Yılmaz draws attention with his role as Yusuf Antep.


Director: Murat Dundar
IMDb: 9.2
The film, which is the screen adaptation of Cem Yılmaz’s stand-up show in 2010, is one of the memorable productions of a period. The film, which is still remembered with its lines, is among the most-watched Cem Yılmaz productions.

11) Pek Yakında – Coming Soon (2014)

Screenplay: Cem Yilmaz
Director: Cem Yilmaz
IMDb: 7.4
Zafer is a character who makes a living by selling pirated DVDs. Zafer, who is married and has a son, is abandoned by his wife one day because of his piracy business. At the same time, his wife’s biggest dream is to become an actress. Having repented of piracy in order to reunite with his family, Zafer’s only goal now is to go back to his days as an extra and shoot the movie called Şahikalar-Kötülüğün Sonu (Şahikalar-The End of Evil), the script of which was written in the 1970s. For this, Zafer, who came together with his old friends, will give a role to his wife in the movie he will shoot, but he will keep it from her. Zafer and his friends will go through various adventures in order to shoot the movie.

12) Son Umut – Last Hope (2014)

Screenplay: Cem Yilmaz
Director: Russell Crowe
IMDb: 7.0
Connor from Australia, who sent his sons to the Battle of Gallipoli, has not heard from them for a long time. That’s why Connor comes to Turkey to track down his sons. Meanwhile, there are 2 Turkish officers helping him: Hasan and Cemal. Will Connor, who will travel almost all over Turkey in pursuit of traces, finally find his sons? The film, in which we encountered the famous actor Russel Crowe in the director’s chair, was one of the films that managed to make a significant impact with the acting of Cem Yılmaz and Yılmaz Erdoğan.

13) Ali Baba ve 7 Cüceler – Ali Baba and the 7 Dwarfs (2015)

Screenplay: Cem Yilmaz
Director: Cem Yilmaz
IMDb: 5.7
Ali Şenay and his brother-in-law İlber, who are engaged in garden ornaments and design dwarfs, attend the gardening fair held in Sofia on the way to institutionalization. Things start right here. The duo, who got involved with mafia leader Boris Mancov due to a misunderstanding, tried to get away with it. You will meet many new people. The film is the fourth film written and directed by Cem Yılmaz.

14) İftarlık Gazoz – Iftar Soda (2016)

Screenplay: Yuksel Aksu
Director: Yuksel Aksu
IMDb: 7.4
The story takes place in an Aegean town in the 1970s. Adem is a smart and hardworking student living with his family in this town. And that summer exactly coincides with the month of Ramadan. Despite all the objections of his family, Adem wants to work with Gazozcu Cibar Kemal Usta all summer long and takes the leave. Meanwhile, when Adem heard what the teacher told about fasting in the mosque, he wanted to fast that summer. Adam, who is not allowed to fast because he is small, will do this in secret. But in that summer heat, it is very difficult for Adam to both work and fast. Moreover, the expiation for breaking the fast is 61 days. How will Adam deal with this? Cem Yılmaz gives life to the character of Gazozcu Cibar Kemal Usta with his great performance in this movie.

15) Deli Aşk – Crazy Love (2017)

Screenplay: Murat Emre Kaman and Murat Dundar
Director: Murat Emre Kaman and Murat Dundar
IMDb: 5.5
Connor from Australia, who sent his sons to the Battle of Gallipoli, has not heard from them for a long time. That’s why Connor comes to Turkey to track down his sons. Meanwhile, there are 2 Turkish officers helping him: Hasan and Cemal. Will Connor, who will travel almost all over Turkey in pursuit of traces, finally find his sons? The film, in which we encountered the famous actor Russel Crowe in the director’s chair, was one of the films that managed to make a significant impact with the acting of Cem Yılmaz and Yılmaz Erdoğan.

16) Arif V 216 (2018)

Screenplay: Cem Yilmaz
Director: Kivanc Baruonu
IMDb: 7.1
After GORA and AROG, we have the third series of the movie, Arif V 216, this time. 216 is a robot that Arif knows from GORA. And 216 dreams of coming to Earth and being human. The difference of 216, who started to live like a human on Earth, does not escape people’s attention. Moreover, even though he tries to hide from everyone that he is a robot. On top of that, the 216 will inadvertently become a tool for the evil intentions of a business person who learns that he is a robot. Of course, the person who will save him and all humanity is none other than Arif.

17) Karakomik Filmler – Funny Movies (2019)

Screenplay: Cem Yilmaz
Director: Cem Yilmaz
IMDb: 6.4 – 5.5
This production, in which we watched Cem Yılmaz both in the director’s chair and in the lead role, consists of two different stories. In the first half of the movie, “2 Arada”, the story of a man named Ayzek is told; In the second part, called “Escape”, there are events that happened to 4 friends who went on vacation.

18) Karakomik Filmler 2 – Funny Movies 2 (2020)

Screenplay: Cem Yilmaz
Director: Cem Yilmaz
IMDb: 5.6 – 6.5
We see Cem Yılmaz as a director and screenwriter in Karakomik Films 2, which is the sequel of Karakomik Films. As in the first movie of the series, there are two different stories here. In the first story called “Deli”, the events of a taxi driver whose dream is to move in front of the girl he loves are told; In the second part called “Emanet”, the story of a dancer whose dream is to become famous takes place. It is one of the newest productions among Cem Yılmaz films.

Bonus: Ersan Kuneri (2022)

Cem Yılmaz has another production that we know he is currently working on, which is also called “Erşan Kuneri”. It is known that the production, in which the story of the character we know from GORA will be told, will be published in a serial format. According to the first information, the set, which will start in June 2021, will last until September. The date given by the master comedian for the series is 2022.
As developments occur, we will be sharing our updates on Cem Yılmaz productions. Have fun watching!

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Kategoriler: Education, Movies & Series

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