May the force be with you…
The Star Wars series has been in our lives for nearly 30 years. I don’t think there is anyone who hasn’t heard or watched. A great epic story, with colorful characters, nailed us to our seats for 2 hours.
The movie takes place between dark forces and good ones. And it holds, in our opinion, tremendous leadership lessons.
The following leadership traits used by Master Yoda to train his apprentices are frequently highlighted during the film for personal development.
1) Don’t try, do it.
When you tell yourself or someone else you’re going to try it, you’ll probably give up at the first hurdle. You are more likely to succeed when you put a strong desire to do it behind the work.
Yoda: “Do or don’t – no try.”
2) Go over your fears.
The most important thing for growth and maturation is to overcome your fears and overcome them. So how do you overcome your fears, as Yoda said, first you need to stop ignoring your fears.
Yoda: “Fear is the way to get to the dark side. Fear brings anger, anger brings hate, hate brings suffering…”
3) Your world is your mirror.
You find what you bring into your world, you see yourself as well as your thoughts and behaviors that you reflect. Have an idea about your inner world and improve yourself by observing your surroundings.
Yoda: “Whatever you bring, you find.”
4) You may not be the hero, but your apprentices may.
Great leaders focus on the future, building their experience, knowledge and wisdom in others. This gives them confidence that future leaders will become their apprentices.
Yoda: “Height doesn’t matter, just look at me and decide.”
5) You can be misunderstood.
Great leaders are often misunderstood. Too humility over power can lead to a misunderstanding of the leader. Likewise, being overconfident can lead to misunderstanding.
6) A Darth Vader could appear in your organization if you are not careful.
Yoda predicted that Anakin Skywalker would turn to the dark side, and it turned out to be true. Great leaders have great responsibilities in raising the next generation for their organizations. Do hiring, mentoring and promotions very carefully.
Yoda: “The young Skywalker you raised was tempted by the dark side, that boy gone, consumed by Darth Vader.”
7) Live in the swamp.
He was living in the swamp when Luke found Yoda. Great leaders do not live in glass crystal towers. Rather, they live in the dirt and are not afraid to get their hands dirty for their customers or partners. Rather than working at their beautiful desks, many managers prefer to work at the construction site, factory or in the field.
8) Your work is never finished.
Yoda was 900 years old when he met Luke and continued to mentor him even after he died. Great leaders know that the work is never done, they align their life and work equally.
9) Sometimes you have to defeat the devil yourself.
Although Yoda is the leader of the Jedi, he snatches his lightsaber and descends on the battlefield himself countless times. Great leaders know that they must encourage others to spread the organization’s culture and make a positive impact, but they also know that when the time comes, they must go down on the battlefield themselves.
10) It’s all up to you.
Great leaders know that the future depends on them. In his exile, Yoda Dogaboh patiently awaited the opportune moment. She was the good people’s only hope against the dark side, and she patiently raised Luke.
If you really want to achieve something, it must be done with good intentions, your heart and mind must be in balance.
Do it by believing, you will see it will be better than the previous one.
Adapted from the article of Egemen Atkaya.
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