What is Automotive Engineering Department? What Do Graduates Do?

Tercih 2021

Tercih 2021

Tercih Yapacak Adaylar İçin Faydalı, Bilgilendirici ve İlham Dolu İçerikler

Automotive engineering department is one of the licenses that has attracted a lot of attention and demand in recent years in our country. So much so that the department, which we started to see more frequently in the engineering faculties of universities, was in about 15 to 20 universities in the past years. Automotive engineering, which has common working areas with mechanical engineers and has similar job skills, is based at Gazi University in Turkey. In those years, Ankara was still 1. Known as the Boys’ Art School, the school opened the motor (automotive) department in 1945-46. The years when Gazi University established today’s automotive engineering department dates back to 2010. However, it is known that Hacettepe University also opened the department and its establishment date is 2005.
We have researched this section, which is one of the areas of interest recently, for you. “What is the automotive engineering department?”, “How much salary do automotive engineers get?” Answers to many questions such as:

What is Automotive Engineering Department?

automotive engineering
Automotive engineering department is a degree that trains engineers who apply the production, design, development and safety tests of vehicles and play an active role in the production of vehicles. Individuals responsible for the production and design of all vehicles you can think of, namely passenger cars, trucks, buses, off-road vehicles and motorcycles, and rail systems, are trained in this department. It is a department where universities accept students from the digital field.

How Many Years of Education in the Department of Automotive Engineering?

The automotive engineering department, which only accepts students from the numerical field, consists of a 4-year undergraduate education. In universities where the language of instruction is English, this period can be increased to 5 years due to 1 year of compulsory preparation. It is aimed to train specialist individuals who can work in the automotive industry by subjecting students to vocational training throughout their education in the department.

What are the Automotive Engineering Department Courses?

Department courses generally have a weighted numerical education based on understanding automotive mechanics. The courses are generally as follows:
● Introduction to Automotive Engineering,
● Basic Manufacturing Operations,
● Technical Drawing,
● Basic Electrical and Electronics,
● Engine Technology,
● Static,
● Materials Science,
● Powertrain,
● Computer Aided Drawing,
● Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems,
● Machine Elements,
● Automotive Manufacturing Operations,
● Spark Plug and Ignition Engines,
● Engine Dynamics,
● Heat Transfer,
● Compression Ignition Engines,
● Automotive Design,
● Vehicle Dynamics,
● Vehicle Technology,
● Engine and Vehicle Performance Tests,
● Mechanical Vibrations in Vehicles
In the department, students are also given courses such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, and the revolution’s history. On the other hand, students can also take advantage of departmental elective courses during their undergraduate education and gain internship experience in companies.

What Do Automotive Engineering Graduates Do?

The aim of the department is to train competent engineers who can work in the automotive industry and who can master all the processes of an automobile from start to finish. For this reason, we can say that the graduates of the department are engineers who can work in the production factories of all motor vehicles on the highway. These engineers are the employees who are responsible for providing the design, production, development, and safety controls of the relevant vehicle.

How Much Salary Do Automotive Engineering Graduates Get?

Automotive engineering graduates can find employment opportunities in the private or public sector. Salary range may vary depending on the institution you work for. From this point of view, we can say that an automotive engineer working in the public sector has an average salary scale of 5,000 TL to 6,000 TL. In the private sector, the starting salary is kept much lower. Accordingly, while working in the private sector with minimum wage, is known that experienced candidates can work for a monthly salary of approximately 8.000 TL or more.

What are the Challenges of the Automotive Engineering Department?

This profession is a very demanding profession. Undergraduate education is given with the same care, and for some students, heavy mathematical statistics can be intense and boring. However, since it is known that even minor mistakes will cause significant damage to this sector, being patient is one of the most extensive conditions.
On the other hand, the automotive sector is more developed globally than in our country. We can say that the big car brands came out of Europe and Japan. For this reason, having a foreign language in the department will be of great benefit to the person. Learning languages such as German, French and Japanese, as well as not only English, will easily open up foreign opportunities for people.

Who Can Succeed in Automotive Engineering?

As we mentioned above, this section is a section that requires numerical intelligence. Those who like numerical courses and are interested in numerical statistics will be successful throughout the course. In addition, success in the sector will surely find themselves for individuals who adopt the principle of meticulous work in business life after graduation, are careful, enjoy solving problems, and do not give up when faced with difficulties.

What are the Job Opportunities of the Automotive Engineering Department?

Graduates of the department have employment opportunities in the private and public sectors. At this point, they can work in private sectors such as automobile factories, tire companies, oil and fuel companies, vehicle design companies, research institutions. In the public sector; They can find job opportunities in THY, TÜVASAŞ, TÜLOMSAŞ, DSI, TCDDD, MKEK organizations.

What are the Foreign Opportunities of the Automotive Engineering Department?

Automotive engineering is much more developed in foreign countries, as we mentioned before. We can easily say that the license has vast opportunities abroad. Moreover, certain universities provide YÖK equivalency. In this way, the opportunities to work abroad become much more manageable. On the other hand, you can make choices for a master’s degree, and you can find job opportunities in line with your foreign language.

In Which Fields Can Automotive Engineering Graduates Specialize?

Individuals who graduate from the department can obtain expertise in the field of academics, primarily through graduate education. In addition, working in automotive factories abroad will be pretty easy for people who have developed their foreign language. Finally, individuals who are good at drawing and developing themselves in this field can work with the designer title in all motor industry enterprises in the state and private sector.

What is the Future of Automotive Engineering Department?

Road vehicles are an indispensable part of our lives. We think that automotive engineers will be needed as long as road transport, which has the number 1 place in transportation, continues to exist worldwide. Moreover, it is obvious that automobile engineers are as knowledgeable as mechanical engineers. Thus, it is known that automotive engineers are employees who have a chance to be employed in the automotive industry and in the fields where the entire machinery industry operates. This shows the related profession among the bright future occupations.
All other university departments can be found here.

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Kategoriler: Education

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