Black Mirror, a British television series that started broadcasting in 2011, is one of the most watched TV series worldwide today. This masterpiece, which tastes like a movie, has 19 episodes for now. In general, we can say that the episodes are in the style of satire, drama, adventure and science fiction.
After the success of the series, the famous science fiction writer Stephen King expressed his appreciation; actor Robert Downey Jr. On the other hand, he announced that he was considering shooting the episode “The Entire History of You” as a movie.
Although it is very difficult to compare the episodes in such a series, I would like to share with you 4 episodes about where technology is taking us.
4) White Christmas | IMDB: 9.2
This episode, called White Christmas, continues the dystopian tradition that dominates the series. Starring Jon Hamm, Oona Chaplin and Rafe Spall, the screenplay of this production belongs to Charlie Brooker, the creator of the series.
Joe Potter (Rafe Spall) and Matt Trent (Jon Hamm) have been living together for 5 years in a cottage surrounded by snow. On Christmas morning, while Joe is preparing dinner in the kitchen, Matt arrives and realizes that he has never spoken to her before. He begins to tell the first story about how he got here.
3) Hang the DJ | IMDB: 8.8
In the episode, we watch Amy and Frank’s struggle to find true love, who met through a Tinder-like dating program. In the current system, people have to establish relationships with people found by the system without their free will, and they cannot even decide for themselves when to end their relationship. If they cross the line, there is a sanction power waiting for them.
The title of the episode, Hang the DJ, is actually the chorus of The Smiths’ song Panic. It is very pleasant to hear this refrain in the final episode, which creates question marks in the minds of the audience.
2) The Entire History of You | IMDB: 8.6
The Entire History of You, the last episode of the first season of Black Mirror, examines the effects of technological developments on memory, personal privacy and memories; It also reveals that individuals’ mastery of all the details of the past does not produce as good results as expected.
In the near future, a chip that replaces memory and is implanted under the skin will record a person’s entire life. Thanks to this chip, it is possible to remember everything at any time. So what are the possible consequences of this?
1) Nosedive (Blow to Bottom) | IMDB: 8.3
As the name suggests, this episode, in which we are guests of Lacie’s daily life, tells a story of “hitting the bottom”. In a future portrait where we will feel the dystopia to our bones, people are divided into classes over 5 points. I wonder if Lacie will be able to attend the wedding of her friend, who has a score above 4.5, and increase her score above 4.5, so that she can buy the house she wants so much?
Which Black Mirror episode were you most impressed with?
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