On the Internet, you can find many programs that perform the process of cleaning the background of photos. But for this, you need to download the program, install it on the computer and learn how to perform the process. A newly released online tool allows you to perform this process quickly with one click.

As we all know, Adobe Photoshop is the program that you can do this process best. But without using Photoshop, you can clean the background in the image you want with a few simple steps. Remove, an online (browser-based) tool, offers this possibility. You can upload the image you want to clean the background of in Remove from your computer, or you can perform the operation by entering the URL of an image uploaded on the internet. The artificial intelligence working in the back is only about “human” detection at the moment. The artificial intelligence, which perceives people as the “main element”, determines everything other than this element as the “background” and deletes it.
You can perform personal uses in Remove free of charge. But there are some limitations in downloading by choosing the size. Remove can also process 4K photos. It supports a maximum of 8 MB as file size.
You can access Remove here, and watch how the process takes place in the video below.
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