8 Sales Tactics Worth Gold

Kardelen Sepetçi

Kardelen Sepetçi

İAL13'/ YTÜ / #biryenipalmiye

You never know what your life and career journey will force you to market and sell. Just like in the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”; When you least expect it, someone may say to you “Sell me that pen”.

If you want to be a good sales professional, there are some tactics and details you need to know about sales, which we think should become a part of your life.

1) Add value to your product and make it more than just a product.
Personalize your marketing so that your first meeting with your potential customers is benefits rather than sales driven. Explain that you are selling a solution, not a product. Likewise, focus on value, not price. Combined marketing with the right story always increase the conversion rate. Establish an emotional connection between the consumer and the product

2) Create scarcity.
Because what is less is valuable, and what is valuable is sought after by everyone. The sentences “Only for 2 days, limited edition, this offer will expire in 3 hours and 45 minutes, special discount for sahur, last 2 products at this price, stocks are limited” will push the consumer to buy.

3) Meet the bait effect!
The bait effect method directs people to sell by placing them between the product you want to sell and the less preferable product. Let’s say you sell 2 different drinks. The basic feature is priced at $1.5 and the premium one is priced at $2.2. According to a study on this subject, the sale ended with 80% of the premium one being sold. In the second test, the researchers used the cheaper ($1.3) 3. Adds a product. As a result, the newly added price of only $1.3 was never sold. The normal product, which was preferred by only 20% of the people in the first recommendation, was sold 80% in the second test. The products you add are actually nothing but the baits used to highlight the product in the middle.

4) Don’t miss the power of 9.
Before deciding to buy a product, users consider the high price factor along with all the question marks that appear in their minds. The easiest way to remove this is to present a high-priced product as a low price. This is where the number ‘9’ comes into play. The value of a 100 lira product in our perception is already 100 lira. However, when the price drops to 99 liras, the value drops to 90 liras. Thus, people think that when they buy that product, they make a profit.

5) Make the user feel indebted to you.
According to a study conducted in restaurants in 2002, the rate of leaving a tip increased from 15% to 18% when candy was given at the same time as the receipt. Similarly, if we offer our customers something above and/or near what they expect for the money they pay, your customers are more tolerant of our mistakes. For example, if the employees of a restaurant greet us with a smiling face, offer treats, show unfamiliar respect and interest, we don’t care about minor disruptions.

6) Ask yourself the question “why?”
Apple tells us, “All we do, our belief is to challenge the ongoing facts. We believe in thinking differently (Think Different). Our challenge is to design the products we produce to be beautifully designed, simple to use, and user-friendly. We just believe in perfecting it.” We build computers. Do you want to buy one?”.While other brands were talking about how good their products were, Apple told us why they made their products and the story behind those products. This proves to us that; people don’t buy what you do; They buy for the reason you do it.

7) Offer people social proof.
It is a fact that although our needs seem to lie at the root of the choices we make, what leads us to those choices is that we imitate the choices other people have made before. This is what we call ‘social proof’. He also uses it, and tactics such as that famous person weakened with it are among the most common ones we come across.

8) Tell the user what they want to believe.
This is like saying “30 but the highest grade in the class” instead of crying “I got 30” to your mom after an exam, for example, when you got 30, the highest grade in the class. Saying this does not change the truth and your test score, but you will tell the other person the way they want to hear, while showing social proof.

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