Unrest; An uncomfortable feeling that we can’t quite name. Sometimes it gets so intense that we feel as if our hands are tied and helpless. The suggestions below are easy and hassle-free activities you can try when you feel like it.
1) Thinking About Things You Feel Lucky To Have

When you cry when you are unhappy, it may seem difficult, absurd and unnecessary to stop thinking about what you are upset about and think “at least I have my family, friends, health”, but this way of thinking reminds you that things don’t actually have good or bad characteristics, you just label them as such in your mind.
2) Spend More Time in Nature, Less Screen Time

It’s a classic but under-appreciated proposition, and it also seems like a laborious activity. No matter how difficult it is to reach green and blue, nature is the best place to go when you want to relax and get out of the routine.
Huge trees remind you of your own power, the endless seas remind you of the unique depth within you, and the stars remind you how small a part of life you are.
3) To Change Your Mind, First Change Your Behavior

Although the thought of “think well, get well” has a grain of truth in terms of positive life, it is the behaviors that change the habits that a person is not happy with and even direct his character from the beginning.
If you are someone who is obsessed with negativity, trying to break this habit with your thoughts will not work, on the contrary, it will increase your stress. Instead, you can choose to engage in a physically positive, positive behavior: helping people, taking care of your body by exercising and eating well, spending time with loved ones.
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