Parapsychology, which is a mysterious subject that most of us try to make sense of, has always continued to be a mysterious area of interest that people try to make sense of based on their own metaphysical experiences. Clairvoyant is one of the most interesting phenomena in parapsychology.
We come across spiritual stories that cannot be proven scientifically and therefore remain as a question mark in our minds at any time in our lives and we try to make sense of them within the framework of our own logic. Clairvoyance is one of the supernatural denominations that we encounter with the sixth sense, telepathy, telekinesis and many other names. So what is clairvoyance and what does it mean? Together we take a close look.
What is clairvoyance?
Clairvoyance is the name given to the ability to perceive various events and situations in a visual form, regardless of time and space. This psychic ability, which can also be described as a mental ability to see, is similar to the sixth sense. Clairvoyance is the ability to comprehend the events that will occur in general in an imaginative way.
We hear from most people who say that they can perceive objects and events without the help of the five senses, that they met this metaphysical dimension early in their lives. When we want to take a look at the similarities of clairvoyants who describe a future situation and event appearing before their eyes like a movie scene, we come across many interesting experiences. Clairvoyants also have many common traits and experiences.
Common features of clairvoyants:
- Having very vivid and colorful dreams,
- Perception of people’s auras and aura colors,
- Having a developed imagination
- Have a strong sense of direction due to their success in visualization
- Seeing various colored light beams and particles.
In this experience, which we don’t hear as much as telepathy or the sixth sense, the pineal gland is considered to be an important function. It is believed that various studies of the pineal gland, which is believed to have a major role in experiencing many spiritual experiences, including clairvoyance, also increase psychic abilities. Since this center of the brain, also called the third eye, secretes the most intense amount of the hormones melatonin and DMT at night, it is believed that the highest point of the level of spiritual perception is also reached at this time.
We can say that this paranormal process, which those who have this ability can also experience at any time of the day, explains the relationship between the appearance of dreams during sleep hours, called ‘messenger dreams’, and the fact that the deciphysis gland shows intense activation at night.
Different types of Clairvoyance and their experiences:
Clairvoyance, which is divided into various classes within the scope of parapsychology, can be perceived in many different ways and visualized in the mind. E.g;
- Insight: Being able to see even with eyes closed, making things visual by creating images.
- Telepathic: Realization of perceptions with an inner cognition independent of the mind and intuition with spiritual communication.
- Precognitive, Postcognitive: Perception of clairvoyance independent of time, a kind of time travel by perceiving the past, present or future.
- Alteroscopy, Alloscopy, Otoscopy: Examining the internal organs and skeletal system with the clairvoyant technique in Reiki and similar healing procedures.
- Teleoptics: Perception of distances and distant regions beyond perception.
- Critoscopy: Seeing objects and events behind solids, structures and walls.
Psychoanalysis, Carl Jung and Clairvoyance:
Clairvoyance, which is known by many names, has been the subject of movies, books and many stories that have been told. There are many personal opinions about the possibility of this psychic experience being real, which is thought to be achieved through intuition, goodwill, and an enlightened consciousness. Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, was very interested in mysticism in his research.
Jung also makes clear his interest in metaphysics in a letter to Freud. In the letter, Jung stated that metaphysics is a subject that needs to be discovered; In his articles on astrology and alchemy, he made inferences that man is not just a being that can perceive with the senses, and that the phenomena that we cannot yet make sense of are not actually illogical.
Clairvoyance was explained by Jung based on the principle of simultaneity. He explains synchronicity, which he defines as meaningful coincidences, as the connection of causally unrelated phenomena with each other. It states that the realization of an image perceived in the past in the future is also due to a cause-effect relationship based on simultaneity. According to Jung, clairvoyance is a perfectly normal and normal experience.
Is it possible to acquire and develop clairvoyant ability later?
According to spiritual people, since clairvoyance cannot be experienced in gamma and beta phases, which are active in our daily lives, alpha and theta phases must be experienced consciously.
A meditative artificial sleep is achieved by closing the eyes, attention is fixed at a certain point, and consciousness is directed with imaginations.
At the first stage, in order to achieve spiritual depth, a person is expected to go into a deep trance and get rid of the thoughts that crowd in his mind. Imagination work is done without interruption to keep the consciousness active and to prevent falling asleep. A wall or structure whose back side needs to be seen is imagined and all its details are examined.
Each time the stage of falling asleep is reached, the alpha and theta stages are reached by continuing the image study. All attention is given to the third eye by portraying in the mind that the structure whose back is being tried to be seen is standing in front of it. It is imagined that a strong ray is reflected from the middle of the forehead and this ray makes the back of the structure visible. There are many clairvoyant development techniques available in this and similar ways.
In psychic experiences, it is seen that natural stones are also worn as accessories and kept in a desirable area of the house because of the importance given to their energy and positive effects. Although the use of moonstone is widespread because it is believed that it improves psychic abilities and clairvoyance, stones such as amethyst, lapis lazuli, crystal quartz, azurite are also preferred to increase intuitive abilities.
Purpose and basic building blocks of Clairvoyance:
In clairvoyance and other psychic events, which we often hear from people who are interested in meditation and yoga, it is believed that one will approach the spiritual dimension with a calm and purified consciousness. Spiritual people who refer to the importance of having a healthy ego, being free from bad intentions and negative thoughts and remaining conscious of a sense of surrender; thinks that psychic abilities can be realized through spiritual purification.
Mysticism, of which natural stone and similar elements form a small part; as a method, it teaches you to transform yourself before objects. It advises to get rid of the features that are described as malign and considered bad in various beliefs. Although the mystical belief or doctrine varies greatly, the common feature is always the working on to make the unknown known.
The modern world and mysticism

The Lovers Whirlwind – William Blake
When we reach even to the time period in which technology is most developed; mysticism always preserves its own mystery. Mysticism, which many people are both interested in and afraid of, seems to continue to exist as a parapsychological doctrine that has been put into research with trepidation. Curiosity about the unknown, the peculiar attraction of occult and esoteric knowledge continue to be transmitted from the past to the present, fueled by the search for a space where man can find refuge at any point where he questions his existence.
There is no doubt that occultism, which ranges from Kabbalah(kabala) belief to astrology, tarot to coffee fortune telling, will continue to be told from generation to generation and will be the subject of conversations like a legacy that protects its existence with its mystery. Although, for now, we cannot explain the unknowns of the experiences described, perhaps we can also be one of the people who make spritual discoveries in the future.
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