You Can Seriously Damage Your Brain By Making This Mistake To Start Your Day

How we start the day is how it goes. Maybe you’ve read or heard about it dozens of times. When I wake up early in the morning and start doing my duties, the day is really productive. You may have noticed this too. But when I wake up and start watching videos on the phone, prolonging the enjoyment of breakfast and adding coffee or something, things accumulate. Some even stay for the next day. Afterwards, the responsibilities piled up on top of each other…
Author Srinivas Rao says that from the moment we open our eyes, whatever we feed our brain with will come back to us. A clumsy brain if we give junk food; If we eat healthy, a productive and attentive brain… Let’s listen to the details from him:
I’ve said that the first 3 hours of your day can determine the quality of your life, and it usually starts with the first thing you decide to put in your brain. You can start the day with junk food for the brain (internet, distracting apps, etc.) or healthy food for the brain (reading, meditation, journaling, exercise, etc.). When you start your day with junk food for the brain, you put yourself in a self-created barrier that hinders your ability to go with the flow and do brain-intensive work. The opposite happens when you start your day with foods that are healthy for your brain.

Whenever I start the day with junk food for the brain, the quality of the day goes down. I am less happy, less focused, and less productive. I spend a lot of time on the Internet and do no real work. But I find that if I start my day with brain-healthy foods, I am in a better mood, happier, more focused and productive.

Why is junk food toxic to your brain?

If you wake up in the morning to smoke a cigarette, eat 2 pastries and continue with 2 cups of coffee, it will not be surprising that your physical performance will be low. After this kind of breakfast, you probably won’t go out and run 3km.

But when it comes to our brains, we hardly pay attention to the idea that we have to treat the information we consume as the food we eat. If we start our days by checking email, Instagram or the internet, we can make distractions chronic. Some of the world’s smartest behavioral scientists and designers work really hard to make sure their products are addictive, addictive, and give you only temporary satisfaction. So you always get addicted for the next notification. As Mark Manson brilliantly puts it; “Cellphones are the new cigarettes, and a very important part of the digital world is nothing more than junk food for the brain.”

Why is healthy eating so important for the brain?

If you had a healthy breakfast that invigorates and energizes you when you wake up in the morning, you would probably go to the gym or for a morning jog. The same goes for our brains. In this way, we give ourselves a great competitive advantage.
In addition, this way you don’t waste your willpower and as a result you get more done in a much shorter time. The first thing you need to do is get rid of your brain’s junk food! For this, you have to replace that junk food with something else.

Do not use your electronic devices in the morning

“Whether smartphones are on, off, in our pockets or on a table. They distract and grab our attention in any situation. The best solution to avoid distraction from a smartphone is to remove it from the picture altogether.” – Steve Magness

If your fridge or pantry is full of junk food, you’re much more likely to eat it. The same goes for your devices. If you open them first thing in the morning, you’ll be much more likely to tap into the distractions they make available. All I use my phone for in the morning is a 20-minute meditation with the Calm app. After that, I take him out of the room where I work.

Take 20 minutes to meditate

Reality, as we know, occurs in the space between stimulus and response. An event happens and we make it mean something. But this happens so quickly that we do not question the validity of the meaning we assign to an event, situation or situation. The way to take control of meaning is to slow down this process, and the way to slow it down is meditation. We have a natural tendency to overreact or make situations more stressful than they really are. But as my meditation practice deepened, I noticed a profound energetic shift.

Since I started doing 20-minute meditation regularly, I can focus more easily in the morning and almost do not crave distractions. The most successful people I’ve interviewed at Unmistakable Creative, all the best performance books I’ve read, spiritual teachings, and many billionaires all refer to the role a daily meditation habit plays in their lives. This was persuasive enough for me to make meditation a daily habit.

Read books, not the internet

When we read things online, we tend to browse more than read. Almost all of my ideas for what I wanted to write came from books. Almost none of them came from reading articles on the Internet. In fact, I’ve noticed that when I physically pick up and read a book I’ve read on Kindle before, I tend to get a lot more value from it. When I interviewed Julien Smith years ago, “I don’t read blogs. I read books.” she said, and she had one of the most popular blogs on the internet. So I stopped reading blogs, started reading books, and became a more productive writer as a result.

Do “Deep Study” for 1 hour

An hour of deep study is a form of self-care and incredibly rewarding. It’s your affirmation to yourself and the universe that you value yourself and your time. By working non-stop, you can achieve extraordinary things in just one focused hour a day. With deep work, you get disproportionate results from your efforts. Here’s the 80-20 rule . 80% of your output will come from 20% of your effort. Imagine; When I started writing this article, I set my distraction blocker to 45 minutes. While writing this sentence, I decided to check my word count and realized that I had written over 1200 words in about 35 minutes. This is what happens when you combine flow and deep work.

One last thing to consider; What do you really get when you wake up in the morning and check Facebook, Instagram or anything on your phone? Does it make you happier and more successful in any way? In all the time you’ll probably spend a year doing this behavior, you could most likely write a book, start a business, or learn an instrument. All of this will do much more for your quality of life than the temporary dopamine your phone provides.

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