The Department of German Language and Literature is an undergraduate program that provides education in German. German is a difficult but fun language to learn. The country also has a rich history. There is also literature that supports this. The history of literature, which started from very ancient times and changed over the years, includes many writers such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller, Franz Kafka. It must be quite interesting to examine these people and the literary periods they belonged to.
In this content, we have brought together everything you may wonder about the German Language and Literature department while making your university choice.
What is the Department of German Language and Literature?

German Language and Literature, also called “Germanistic”, examines the German language, culture, history both in the past and present. Its aim is to teach and conduct research in the fields of literature and culture, literary theories, and linguistics, and enable students to explain different types of literature together with their periods. It enables them to learn to discuss and write critically on written texts.
How Many Years is the Education Period of the Department of German Language and Literature?
The training period of the program is 4 years. It teaches within the scope of the Faculty of Letters at universities and only accepts students with language score type.
What are the German Language and Literature Department Courses?
It is possible to list some of the courses in the department as follows:
● Grammar
● Basic Concepts of Literary Science
● Dutch Language and Grammar
● Vocabulary Exercises
● Literary Texts
● German Art History
● German Cultural History
● Translation Techniques
● The New History of German Literature
● History of Contemporary German Literature
● Basic Concepts of Literary Science
● Dutch Language and Grammar
● Vocabulary Exercises
● Literary Texts
● German Art History
● German Cultural History
● Translation Techniques
● The New History of German Literature
● History of Contemporary German Literature
Students who successfully fulfill the 240 ECTS requirement will graduate from this program with the title of philologist.
Which Universities Have the Department of German Language and Literature?
● Akdeniz University
● Ankara University
● Ataturk University
● Aydın Adnan Menderes University
● Ege University
● Firat University
● Hacettepe University
● Istanbul University
● Marmara University
● Sakarya University
● Selcuk University
● Sivas Cumhuriyet University
● Tekirdag Namık Kemal University
● Ankara University
● Ataturk University
● Aydın Adnan Menderes University
● Ege University
● Firat University
● Hacettepe University
● Istanbul University
● Marmara University
● Sakarya University
● Selcuk University
● Sivas Cumhuriyet University
● Tekirdag Namık Kemal University
What Do German Language and Literature Graduates Do?
Graduates of the department are primarily trained for areas such as teachers, editors, research writers, linguists, and literary critics. Graduates of the department can work as teachers in public schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education by taking pedagogical formation. They can also work as teachers or trainers in private schools and private education institutions. Apart from these, they can work as translators in translation offices. They can take office in various fields of media as editors and similar positions. In addition to these, they can work in various units of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, airline companies, and consulates.
How Much Salary Do Graduates of the Department of German Language and Literature Get?
It is difficult to give precise information on this subject due to the wide range of working opportunities and sectoral differences. There will be differences between the salary determined in public institutions and the salary determined by the institution working in the private sector. However, we can provide information about the salary information of department graduates who will work as German teachers. Newly appointed German teachers receive a salary of approximately 4100 TL. Salaries likewise increase as seniority increases and as you progress in teaching. German teachers who complete 10 years of service receive a salary of 5000 TL.
What are the Difficulties of the Department of German Language and Literature?
The biggest challenge for the department at the moment is the uncertainty about formation training. Since the system has not been grounded in recent years, it has become very difficult to obtain precise information. Apart from this, the following can be said about the difficulties within the department; German is taught as a second foreign language course in secondary education institutions. Therefore, starting from primary education, students devote all their time to learning English. Trying to learn a new language after reaching a certain age requires extra work and motivation. But since English and German come from the same language families, you can take advantage of knowing the English language to your advantage.
Who Can Succeed in the Department of German Language and Literature?
It will be a great advantage for the people who will prefer this department to have a propensity for a foreign language. Written and verbal communication skills should be high. Students who love to read and can criticize the text from different perspectives should prefer it. Must love teamwork. Students who are also interested in German culture will be more likely to be successful in the jobs they will work during and after their education. Teachers should also be patient, calm and have high communication skills.
What are the Foreign Opportunities of the German Language and Literature Department?
It can be said that the biggest advantage of any department related to the German language is the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). This organization offers scholarship opportunities to students and researchers all over the world in 1925, and supports international academic cooperation. You can also participate in existing exchange programs such as Erasmus, Mevlana, Farabi. They can also do a double major and minor in English and French language and literature departments.
What is the Future of the Department of German Language and Literature?
The future of this department, whose fields of study span many different sectors, is evident in general. If you take extra trainings about different sectors in order to improve yourself further, the work you can do will increase even more. Students who will choose this department will open a big door for themselves!
All other university departments can be found here.
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