12 Entrepreneurship Movies Based on Real Life

Most of us like to watch movies. At the end of the movie, we say that none of them were real. What about movies that actually happened in real life?
In this list, I have listed 12 entrepreneurship movies based on real life. Happy reading.

1. jOBS
Are you wondering how the world-famous technology company Apple was founded? Curious about the bright minds behind? One of those bright minds must have been dazzled because I am writing the article for that person’s movie right now. Steve Jobs.
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/jobs/
2. Scout
A story that happened in India and America. It is a movie about a group of people trying to take two of the cricketers from India to America and teach them baseball. It’s fun and very inspiring.
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/yetenek-avcisi/
3. Joy
A movie inspired by true stories of brave women. Joy is a mother trying to take care of her father, while trying to take care of her divorced children who want attention. One day, she gets fed up and decides to realize her dreams that she left halfway through.
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/joy/
4. The Amazing Showman
The Greatest Showman is one of the best drama films about PT Barnum inventing the first circus in history in 1841 and stepping into show business.
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/muhtesem-showman/
5. Pocket Hercules: Naim Süleymanoğlu
It tells the life story of the world-renowned Naim Süleymanoğlu, who is a very valuable person for our country and won dozens of awards in sports.
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/cep-herkulu-naim-suleymanoglu/
6. Founder
It is an entrepreneurial film about how McDonald’s was founded. It tells the story of two brothers and Ray Kroc, who set up a fast-delivery restaurant.
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/kurucu/
7. Gandhi
It tells the life of Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most important people in the history of India. He tells how he transformed India, which was a British exploitation, into an independent state. The movie won 8 Oscars.
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/gandhi/
8. 12 Years a Slave
It is a biopic about a free man, Solomon Northup, who was kidnapped and sold into slavery while in New York.
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/12-yillik-esaret/
9. Baba Muslim
It is a biographical film about the life of Müslüm Gürses.
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/muslim-baba/
10. Dolemite Is My Name
A biographical comedy about the life of the team behind the making of the 1975 movie Dolemite and starring Rudy Ray Moore. Netflix is among the best comedy movies .
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/dolemite-is-my-name/
11. Chariots of Revolution
It is about the 142-day story of 23 engineers who undertook the job of producing the first domestic car Devrim. Afterwards, the movie Devrim 2 was shot.
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/devrim-arabalari/
When Chris and his son are forced out of the house, they have a hard time with their son. Later, Chris accepts an unpaid internship at a stock brokerage firm.
Watch the Movie: https://www.girisimzel.com/icerik/umudunu-kaybetme/

If you want to watch more entrepreneurship movies, you can go to Girişimzel. So what is Entrepreneurship? 
entrepreneurial; It is a website for entrepreneurs that lists movies, TV series , documentaries, books, podcasts, YouTube channels, trainings, competitions and events about entrepreneurship. (Girisimzel.com)

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Kategoriler: Entrepreneurship

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