Marathon Runner Woman Breaking Male Hegemony: Kathrine Switzer

Kathrine Switzer, born January 5, 1947, is an American writer, TV commentator and marathon runner. The part that we are interested in here is the fact that she was the first female runner to participate in the Boston Marathon and her persevering, instructive story.

Until Kathrine Switzer, only men had competed in the marathon for 70 years.

She participated in the Boston Marathon in 1967, becoming the first female athlete to participate in a marathon. Although there is no written rule that women cannot participate, only men have competed in the marathon for 70 years and there has never been a female athlete running until that day.

Kathrine Switzer registered for the Boston Marathon under the name ‘KVSwitzer’ without specifying her gender. No one asked her gender anyway. On April 19, 1967, among the frivolous glances of the other competitors around him, he took his place in the marathon with the chest number 261 and the race started without the authorities noticing Switzer.

During the race, those photos that will be remembered for years emerged.

The officer named Jock Semple, who jumped out of the way in the midst of the flashes of the journalists, grabbed Kathrine’s arm and said, “Get the hell out of my race and give me your number now.” said. With her cries, she tried to push the female athlete out of the race. Despite her fear, Kathrine continued to run. Then suddenly her boyfriend, Thomas Miller, number 390, who didn’t want to leave her alone because Kathrine was running even though she had no marathon experience, drove Jock Semple away, and it all happened in front of the press bus. Thus, those photographs that will remain in the memories for years have emerged.

Kathrine didn’t stop and kept running. Because women had to convince everyone that they could run, and they managed to complete the run in 4 hours and 20 minutes.

Only 5 years later, it was decided that women could also participate in competitions.

After 5 years, it was decided that women could also participate in the competitions. In fact, this step is an important step that goes back to the inclusion of the women’s marathon in the Olympic program in 1984.
In 1973, they took a photo with the organizer Jack Semple, who tried to prevent him in the first race. It turns out that Jack Semple realized what he was doing wrong.

Kathrine Switzer 50th anniversary of the run. In the interview made special for the year, he expressed the following emotional words:

“I grew up during the race. I started the Boston Marathon as a young girl, grew along the way, and was a mature woman by the end of it. Around the 32nd kilometer, after finishing this run, I decided to strive to be a better athlete and to lead other female athletes to feel the empowerment and freedom I experienced. When I cross the finish line, instead of saying ‘Hooray I’ve made it’, ‘Long live I have a life plan!’ I said.”

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