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11 Disappointments of Elon Musk, who is also a successful entrepreneur in failure

“Every failure means you’re getting closer to success.” I guess we have not come across this sentence as embodied as Elon Musk. Establishing or managing companies such...

It’s Hard Not To Be Impressed: Netflix’s Ingenious Use of Artificial Intelligence

As we all know, Netflix is still a Streamer, that is, an internet broadcaster that continues to rise. In 2018 alone, it gained 8.8 million new members, 1.5 million of which were in the ...

The 5 Most Demand Computer Skills Today and in the Near Future

While the computer skills section, which is an indispensable criterion for internship and job applications, is sometimes presented to the candidate in detail, sometimes it can be specif...

Leaving One’s Personal Personality and Taking on Another Personality: Dissociative Fugue

Dissociative fugue is a kind of psychological disorder that occurs as a result of traumas that have different causes and causes the person to move away from home, work environment and e...

How to Use Kaizen Philosophy in Business and Education Life in 3 Steps?

Kaizen, which is called a continuous improvement and development, is a phenomenon that we can easily see in almost every part of our lives. In general terms, it is an improvement techni...

10 Useful Artificial Intelligence Applications That Will Make Your Job Easier In Every Subject

Many artificial intelligence-themed applications and transformations that we use in almost every aspect of our lives and that we use while doing many of our jobs, even if we are not awa...

The Problem Today, Dunning-Kruger Syndrome Also Called Ignorant Courage

“The biggest problem in the world is that fools and fanatics are so sure of themselves, whereas intelligent people are always in doubt.” -Bertrand Russell Dunning-Kruger is ...

10 Features You Must Have to Succeed in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

The increasing prevalence of the main fields of technology, such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, autonomous vehicles, nano-technology, renewable energy processing, q...

The Man Who Recognized Einstein and Changed the Course of the World of Science: Arthur Eddington

As in all of us, when Einstein is mentioned, the Special Theory of Relativity, which is identified with himself, comes to mind before other proofs and relations he has made. However, it...

Programming Beginners Here: Which Of These 5 Areas Is Right For You?

It is an undeniable fact that we live in a digital age with the changing world conditions and constantly developing technology. Everything is changing so fast. Even the software languag...

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