Arzu Dokuzoğlu

Arzu Dokuzoğlu

İTÜ-Kimya Müh.

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Why Women Can’t Win More Nobel Prizes in Science

In 2019, all Nobel prizes in science were awarded to men. After the biochemical engineer Frances Arnold won the Nobel in chemistry in 2018 and Donna Strickland in physics in 2018, the o...

Entrepreneur Who Makes Vegetarians Love Meat Thanks to the Vegetable Meats He Produces: Ethan Brown

Ethan Brown is the CEO of Beyond Meat, whose founding goal is to find solutions to problems in meat production. We can also describe him as an inventor. The company, which worked to pro...

How Positive Inner Conversation Increases Your Motivation and Productivity

Do your conversations always run along the same lines: “I’m a born failure.” “There’s no way I can get this job.” “I’m too fat to wear th...

How to Find Motivation to Go to Work Every Day

According to research, 85% of workers worldwide hate their jobs. The reason for their hatred is their inability to feel emotionally attached to their workplace. This depressing study sh...

Valuable Advice from Immanuel Kant to His Student on Heartbreak

Immanuel Kant is one of the most important and influential philosophers of Western philosophy. He contributed to many disciplines of philosophy and deeply influenced many studies that c...

18 Books That Will Open Your Horizons Award-Winning Hugo and Nebula Awards

As their names suggest, the only criterion for the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award, the two biggest awards in the science fiction world, is quality. Hugo Award; It is an award given eac...

19 Success Tips to Unlock Your Potential from the Father of Motivation Zig Ziglar

There’s a reason why Zig Ziglar, who has worked for many companies as a marketer and manager, is widely regarded as the father of motivation, and that is his strong strategies and...

9 Lessons To Help You Think Like A Successful Entrepreneur

Today, the idea of being an entrepreneur is considered to be more exciting than the idea of working 9am to 5pm. Even though they don’t have to do routine work, an entrepreneur has...

25 Quotes That Will Strengthen You To Never Give Up On Your Goal

It’s hard to stay strong when the urge to give up comes. We feel like our world is falling apart and it feels like we have no other choice. The reason we feel this way is because ...

Turn Chaos into Order in Your Life with 3 Simple Rules

In a perfect world, everything is stable. You can make plans for 100% of your time. You can predict everything. But we know that real life is not like that. A single random (or unexpect...

7 Important Lessons We Can Learn From Eastern Philosophy That Tells Us About Life

Eastern philosophy is not different from other philosophical teachings in terms of its general purpose. Its purpose is to enable us to become more intelligent individuals and ultimately...

Books to Read in One Breath

When we are busy, we may not have time to read a book. As we get away from books for a while, returning to reading again can be a tiring process for some of us. I have some book suggest...

Why Do We Start Loving Things We Hate Before?

The mere exposure effect is a phenomenon that can guide our choices without being aware of it. In a year, you may like something you currently hate. Have you ever wondered why your pref...

Make the Narcissistic and Toxic People in Your Life Harmless with the Gray Stone Method

We all have narcissistic or toxic people in our lives. We struggle to deal with them, and most of the time, it just doesn’t work. We cannot change such people. Trying to change th...

The Key to Being a Good Entrepreneur by Richard Branson

Richard Branson is an entrepreneur who never breaks with his inner child. Believing that having a childlike attitude towards life can make a person a better entrepreneur, it’s no ...

Our Most Important Habit We Lost Over Time: Spending Time Alone

We live in a world where people are always around us in some way, thanks to social media at work, in shopping malls, and on the phone. We cannot be alone because our society tends to la...

The Most Important Leadership Approaches of the 21st Century: Inspiring and Motivating

Real managers often take on the role of a coach when it comes to getting their employees to do their best work. They know that getting the best results from their team members requires ...

Don’t Let It Consume You: 7 Essential Ways to Help You Beat Anxiety

Imagine that you are in front of a forest with dark, deep and dense trees. You have to pass through this forest to reach your house. Even though the path may seem familiar to you, this ...

5 Ways to Use the Information Correctly and Think More Efficiently

The mind is a complex system, some parts of which have yet to be discovered. However, there is enough scientific data to understand some basic things about our minds. The most basic act...

Do You Have Difficulty Concentrating? Causes and Solutions of Concentration Impairment in 7 Items

Having trouble focusing and wondering why? There are many reasons for focusing problems, and this problem negatively affects our daily lives. You may be motivated by the excitement of c...

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