Zula Cheat 2022 current, Zula Cheat Types And All Cheats

Welcome to our Zula Cheat article. Let’s start our article with a short summary, then give detailed installation information about Zula Cheat.

Zula gold cheat: You reach the answer to the question of how to do the Zula gold cheat. And in the stash game, you get stash gold and stash money. First of all, stash cheats are a very popular cheat by users. So it is free cheat. It is a stash trick made without a program. The same is true for Zula Mobile. Since it is on the zulahiledernegi.xyz site, the stash is cheating.

Let’s not go without mentioning, the trick of Zula Mobile, which has recently released its mobile version, has also been released! Working in Zula game; The stash gold cheat, the stash money cheat also work as the zula mobile gold cheat and the stash mobile money cheat. So the cheat works in both the stash pc version and the stash mobile version. Zula cheat is completely free to do. All you have to do is click the link below and go to the site. The video of the trick is available both on the site and below.

Zula Gold Cheat, Wallhack, Aimbot ZA Cheat

The production of the Zula game started in 2013, and it was released on February 22, 2015. In other words, Zula was developed by Madbytes and distributed by Lokum Games.

Zula game can be played by entering the official site and registering.

The first game type is called MMOFPS. What it stands for: Massively multiplayer online first-person shooter. Zula was also the first Turkish-made MMOFPS.

Secondly, there are 2 enemies in the Game, Zula and Gladio. Zula consists of soldiers and intelligence officers. Gladio consists of mercenaries. There are 20 characters in total in the game.

Thirdly, the game reached a very large player base as soon as it was released. It has been one of the most played games in Turkey.

Fourth, the Game has servers and mods for many levels. Players can play games without getting bored thanks to maps, modes and servers. Especially recently, the increasing number of maps has connected users to it. Zula has 23 maps and 12 game modes.

Not to mention, the game was added to Steam in 2016, but was removed from Steam in 2017 for violating the rules. When the problems were fixed in 2018, Zula started to appear on Steam again.

Fifth, the active servers of the Game are Turkey, Europe, Latin America and Iran servers.

Apart from the desktop experience, Zula is also available on mobile. The game was released for Android and IOS in 2020.

The game is also popular in our country because it is Turkish production.

As a result, to download Zula game


A mobile version of the game has also been released recently. To download Zula Mobile

Zula Cheat Alerts

Dear friends, You may encounter various problems when you perform the cheats in our Zula Cheat 2022 current article. Because when the stash realizes that you are cheating, it bans you and deletes your account. All the gains you earn by working hard are deleted. It’s worth asking yourself if it’s worth it.

There is always the possibility of viruses in the programs you download. Viruses, trojans endanger your personal data.

Some sites send codes to your phone, some ask for your credit card information. Don’t believe them. Sites that are completely trying to extort money from you.

Zula Cheat types

With the CrossHair Cheat, you can target the enemy without even having to open the scope.

The Chams trick lets you see the enemy in distinctive colors.

With the EspLine cheat, the enemy is shown distinctively in the form of a box.

If you use the Espbox cheat, the enemy will be squared as a line.

You can see behind the walls with the Wallhack trick.

Zula Cheat Download Link https://www.mediafire.com/file/ldsg5mcob1rv41y/ZulaU_D3D.rar/file

Wallhack Cheat https://yadi.sk/d/nRiaI2j5i6bcng

To run the stash cheats, you must follow the steps below.

1- Virus programs on your computer may detect the file as a virus. To prevent this, you must turn off the virus program.

2- Extract the setup.exe file in the RAR file.

3- Run the Setup.exe file as an administrator. The installation will start, now you will have to wait a bit.

4- When the process is complete, a cheat shortcut will be created on your desktop. Activate all cheats by clicking the shortcut.

5- Now you can log in to the game. You can activate all the cheats and enjoy the game with the help of the menu that will appear when you press the Delete key.

Zula prevents cheats with periodic updates. Then new cheats are released.

Zula Gold Cheat

Zula Gold Cheat is one of the most sought after cheats by Zula users. So how to do the Zula Gold Cheat? It cannot be done. So friends, sites that say they do this trick are lying. As a result, it is not possible to cheat with software or any other kind of gold.

Finally, if you want to try the video for Zula cheat 2022

YouTube video player

Zula Cheating

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Kategoriler: Game Cheats

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