Elif Özçakmak

Elif Özçakmak

İTÜ - İşletme Mühendisliği | Editör @ceotudent

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25 Inspirational Quotes from Gary Vaynerchuk, One of the Successful Entrepreneurs of the USA

Four-time New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, millionaire, speaker, and now an icon in the digital world of entrepreneurs, Gary Vaynerchuk is the founder of Wine Library an...

7 Amazing Entrepreneurship Lessons We Can Learn From The Movies

Opportunity knocks once. What you have to do is take it and make the most of it. Entrepreneurship is a competency that enables you to recognize possibilities and opportunities. It helps...

25 Common Habits of Extremely Happy and Successful People

Quality sleep, big thinking, and meaningful conversations are common parts of the lives of people who describe themselves as “happy”. What is the secret of happiness? This m...

The Bluma Zeigarnik Effect: Unfinished things are easier to remember

Sometimes a movie you watch ends when you least expect it, but you can’t shake off its impact for a long time. A song gets stuck in your tongue. You can’t remember the rest,...

Why Warren Buffett, One of the Richest Names in the World, Doesn’t Use a Smartphone?

Warren Buffett, one of the most influential investors in the United States, has partnerships in many large companies worldwide with the investment company Berkshire Hathaway. 90-year-ol...

How to Save Ninety Percent of Your Life

Are you aware that our behavior towards the events that happen to us in our daily life affects the rest of the day, sometimes even for a longer period of time? In psychology, this is ca...

Sports Routines of Successful Names and The Effects of Sports on Success

No one knows how important doing sports is for our physical and mental health, but not everyone succeeds in making sports a part of their life. Various excuses can be put forward for th...

10 Quotes from Nobel Prize-winning Scientist Marie Curie to Support Your Improvement

Marie Curie is the only woman to have received a Nobel Prize for her work in the Victorian era, when academic opportunities for women were very limited, and the only woman to win 2 Nobe...

Could Your Passion for Traveling Come From Your Genes?

Some people have the energy and excitement to travel the world with 1 backpack. The passion for travel in these people, who can’t stay still, who are curious, who enjoy discoverin...

Breathe Your Soul Tired In City Life With The Shinrin-Yoku Method Of The Japanese

“Thousands of tired, irritable, ultra-civilized people are starting to learn that going to the mountains is coming home. Being in nature and getting to know it is a must.” –John M...

The Success Story of Coco Chanel, Who Brings a New Look to Fashion

Coco Chanel, who changed the fashion sense of her period, saved women from tight and tight corsets and made them comfortable and stylish, is the creator of the world-famous “Chane...

Discover The Unbearable Lightness of Saying ‘No’ in 7 Steps

“No.” This word, which has this meaning both in our language and in other languages and is very easy to say, is sometimes very difficult to express after an adventure of tho...

20 Quotes From Oprah Winfrey, Who Overcame Big Challenges and Became the Queen of Media

The host of The Oprah Winfrey Show, one of the most watched talk show programs in US television history, as well as the philanthropist Oprah Winfrey, in addition to her many Emmy Awards...

66-Day Scientific Methods with 4 Steps to Get Rid of a Bad Habit

We all have certain habits that we repeat every day, consciously or unconsciously. In addition to routines such as brushing teeth, eating and sleeping that we need in our daily lives, t...

10 Contemplative Short Quotes from Henry Ford, Ford’s Creator

Henry Ford, who revolutionized the production system, revolutionized a new industry, and founded one of the world’s largest companies, is one of the world’s greatest industr...

5 Simple Rules for Protecting Your Ideas from Elon Musk and Steve Jobs

How did Steve Jobs manage to create that simple and elegant design without filling it with unnecessary features? How did Elon Musk ingeniously create innovative products without diminis...

The Woman Who Made Musk’s Dreams Come True: Gwynne Shotwell, President of Spacex

Gwynne Shotwell serves as president of Space Exploration Technologies (SPACEX) Company, founded by Elon Musk, and is known to play a vital role in the company’s growth. Well, what...

Living Too Extrovert to Hear Your Inner Voice: Histrionic Personality Disorder

Everyone likes to be the center of attention. However, for this, constantly exhibiting exaggerated movements, paying too much attention to the attention of the people around him, turns ...

5 Practical Ways to Help You Develop Your Analytical Intelligence

Although analytical thinking may sound like a distant term, it is a skill that allows you to analyze and analyze events like a detective (See Sherlock). There are some methods that can ...

The Power of Red: Why Are Fast Food Chains Logos Red?

Burger King, McDonald’s, Arby’s, KFC, Pizza Hut… In addition to being a Fast Food chain, they have one more thing in common: their logos in red. This is not a coincide...

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